Cost-Saving Initiatives For Office Printing

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We use huge quantities of paper every month in the office. By carefully marshaling our resources, we should be able to reduce that amount significantly

Today’s information and communication technologies provide many opportunities for businesses to function with far less paper. Electronic mail, Intranets, Internet and document scanners can radically reduce paper use, while also saving time and money. Estimates show that 10-30% reduction in paper usage is possible with appropriate use of available technology

There are many easy ways to reduce paper use and costs. Reductions of 20 percent or more is possible in office.

Here are practical tips to help and implement a cost-saving, paper reduction program

1. Think before you print.

  • It is simply too easy to push the print-button. For example, much paper is wasted by printing out single line emails or printing out unnecessary copies of documents
  • Individuals should carefully assess their needs before ordering bulk print copies of information materials, like annual reports or brochures etc. In many cases un-used copies end up in storage rooms clogging up storage space.

2. Check for Print Preview.

  • Preview documents before printing. Use the print preview to spot formatting errors and blank pages before you print. Proofread first, and use the spell/grammar tool to help avoid errors that can cause documents to be reprinted.

3. Use paper more efficiently.

  • Duplexing, i.e. copying images on both sides of a sheet of paper, it save up to 50% of overall printing costs.

4. Reuse the rough pages.

  • Reuse the rough pages if it’s been printed on one side only (Internal office requirements).